The Company

Neurotec® commitment to quality policy drives the research and development of new products and technologies accordingly to international standards. A group of highly qualified researchers, together with the most advanced technological resources complies to achieve a good performance of our equipment that is widely supported by its users.

NEUROMAP® was created combining cost with the most advanced technology in digital electroencephalography, providing the first Brain Mapping equipment for the Brazilian market.

Today Neurotec® operates in all segments of Clinical Neurophysiology, producing microprocessed and open designed equipment with the latest technology, also providing a complete range of supplies and accessories for the best clinical performance.

Our history

Neurotec was created in 1985 based in a commitment to develop world-class facilities accessible to Brazilian market and favoring life quality improvement.

Our company is proud of reaching its goals, always staying true to its principles. Excellence pursuit was not limited to research and equipment production, and extends into a policy of respect for the environment, of zero wasting and of adding value to our collaborators, our city and our country. Great satisfaction is present when we see our products supporting diagnosis and prevention of diseases, making Neurotec a national reference in clinical neurophysiology equipment area.

In harmony with globalization and the new production techniques and communication, Neurotec prepares its place for the future, a future that is present every day, as fast as new research is transformed into new products. We also extend many thanks to the doctors who for years have been working with us, a critical collaboration to all our conquests.

Luiz Calistro Balestrassi